Lu Lu joined our farm in 2010 because my dear horse Bones was over 30 years of age.
Winnie my mare would be lonely because horses (& goats) are herd animals. Lu Lu was a comfort goat.
My friend Jenny (I say that loosely) dropped off Dolly a Nubian goat that is a hot mess & always getting into goat trouble. (Jenny continues to drop unwanted goats at the gate!)
I started making cheese from all the milk from Lu Lu and Dolly. I made ricotta, smear case, mozzarella, Asiago, cheddar, yogurt. I couldn't give it away, my dear suffering husband suggested soap.
Sage, a young lady loved Eucalyptus Mint soap & asked me to make goat milk lotion. Viola' ask & you shall receive.
My daughter-in-law Jayme became pregnant in 2014. She asked for a natural Belly Balm in lemon and lavender, her favorite scents. Next she wanted a nipple cream that was natural and did not contain lanolin (secreted, from sheep’s glands.) Udder Cream (HAHAHA) was developed with coconut oil that helps with thrush and cocoa butter. Ok if you don’t wipe it all off!

Eli was born and if his butt didn’t need some cream! Nana’s Hinny Butt Cream is all natural (No petroleum) and works great.
Next people started putting the cream all kinds of places and it worked. Tree climbers between pants and leather, athletes in special spots for the sweaty rub of polyester pants, chemo patients, dog lovers for dogs’ toes, under older breasts, oh the stories. Hinny Paste became Chub Rub. New label, same great stuff!
Next Terry asked for body butter & Jayme asked for shower polish. An avalanche of requests came from family & neighbors. (Products are tested on family & neighbors. Oh! How we are loved!)
Shave bars for men came next because I am blessed with two sons & two stepsons. The shave bars have Bentonite clay & are made with goat milk, olive, coconut, shea oils etc. so the shave experience was moisturizing. They loved how the shave bar softened their skin & the soap came right off their blades. Funny side note, the wives & girlfriends used their shave bars & loved them just not the manly scents so after much begging Women's shave bars were created with Lemon Tea Cake, Jasmine & Vanilla Pineapple.

We believe most of our neighbors love us because we test all our products on our neighbors from Beard Balm and Beard Butter (we don't have beards) to hinny paste.
This unprecedented growth in products, and clients created a manufacturing building issue.
My husband had a 32’ X 70’ pole building with 12’ walls and three 10’ roll up doors. “I have an idea” I said. Rob rolled his eyes and shook his head.
Luckily, we are still married, and he does not have a pole building but he has me and 30 goats!
My son Nicholas came to work for me 2 years ago and he has helped me expand the business and overcome my fears by pushing me.

Our Products
Lu Lu’s Suds offers all natural products
Soap, lotion & shave bars are the only three products with Goats Milk. The products work great because olive oil, coconut oil, shea butter etc. can be absorbed by skin. There are no dyes or pigments. These are not beautiful colored soap; they are for everyday use and priced aptly.
The gift bags & gift sets convert customers to addicts. Currently, we have one small store on the farm. We have a 57% conversion rate from the holiday shoppers. They love the product and it’s affordable to use consistently.
Olive oil is our main ingredient in the soap. Yes, it is expensive, but the soap is what matters. If I can feel the difference between olive oil soap & soy or lard, then perhaps a client can also. I'm a cranky old lady & I am sticking to what my customers like.
All of our products are simple recipes created and tweaked for family and neighbors.
Say hi to some of our goats!

Frankie + Libby
Hanging out in the barn

Lily loves buckets!

Dolly + Dixie
Say hi to Dolly and Dixie