Desperate for Body Butter during Winter! (No Goat milk in body butter)

As a not so Spring chicken, my skin dries out like the Sahara during the Winter. Body Butter is my go to, get the crispy skin softened necessity. Oh, the great feeling of the body butter moisturizing my itchy skin is wonderful.
Have you tried Lu Lu's Suds Body Butter? Well Winter is the time to slather it on! The body butter is made with coconut oil, Shea butter, almond oil and vitamin E. All whipped up like butter! Hahah. Your skin can absorb these oils. Kinda cool how it works with natural oils.
Since we are a small family-owned company (Chief Goat Herder here) we continue to produce all our products ourselves. Yes, I want to pull my hair out somedays but most days I turn on loud rock'n'roll music and Whip It (Devo version) and Bam we have Body Butter!
Enough about body butter. We have Kids planning to kick their way into the world starting around March 1st. Every year I get so excited to see and play with the kids but every year I have about 10 heart attacks during birthing time. Even with years of experience, cameras and me spending hours in the barn my anxiety skyrockets.
My husband is the bestest. I cannot even remember how many times he has held the head of a Doe and cheered me on! "You can do this Judy! You got this Judy! It's Ok! It's going to be fine. She is going to be fine!"
Of course, I am like the pregnant woman in labor crying, yelling and maybe just maybe I may say a bad word. Then I say, "Never again I'm going to get a job at Taco Bell!"
Wish us luck! I have confiscated his 3,200' garage and I have a meltdown every year during kidding season, but I couldn't do it without his support and my son Nicholas laughing at me!
Time to go clean poop out of the barn! Living my best life!
Nana Judy